Performer | Educator | Seeker

Bansuri intensives are short residential courses that provide an opportunity for aspiring practitioners to advance their musical skills and immerse themselves for a short period of time in the world of a full-time musician.

Participants get to experience the Gurukula life, learn new techniques and absorb the tools to become more proficient. The latest teaching methodology is used to impart traditional knowledge that has been passed down from Guru to Shishya, as well as modern interpretations, techniques and interdisciplinary studies.

These immersive lessons are interspersed with time to spend in practice, reflection, meditation and solitude. Interactions with the Guru and other fellow students lead to the nurturing of life-long friendships, a huge boost to their musical skills, and a strong desire to return for the next dose of the intense experience.

Different types of Bansuri Intensives are held throughout the year across India and the world. The primary events include yearly intensives, the duration of which can be between three and ten days. Special events that are customized to the needs of a particular group are also sometimes held. These intensives have gained popularity and have become recurring events in the calendars of many Bansuri enthusiasts.

Participants get to meet other members of the global music fraternity, share experiences, and learn from each other. The intensives provide a lot of time for Riyaz and the myth of long periods of practice becomes a reality. Indeed, some students are so moved by the experience that they decide to adopt the lifestyle and dedicate themselves fully to the pursuit of their beloved art form.

Check out the upcoming Music Intensives here!

Glimpses of Intensives
